Advice for the listening landlord 09 Aug 2020 Following a recent question from Labour councillors, the leader of the council said that there…
Surrey County Council Re-organisation 09 Jul 2020 Anyone paying attention to the signals coming out of central government will not be surprised…
Guildford Labour Party invests in Local Credit Union 30 Jun 2020 Guildford Labour Party has opened an account with Surrey’s local credit union Boom! to help…
Coronavirus: How Labour would have done it better 30 Jun 2020 The Conservative government has bungled the coronavirus crisis. It talked big but it couldn’t deliver.…
Ghost Town: Will our high streets be able to recover post lockdown? 30 Jun 2020 In 1981, British two-tone band The Specials released their number one single ‘Ghost Town’. At…
Is the American dream at the expense of the American Negro? 16 Jun 2020 A fortnight ago, hundreds of thousands of ordinary law-abiding citizens around the globe became not…
Stay employed. Control the media. Save face. 26 May 2020 Will the Prime Minister’s handler be saved by his rambling account of his family’s misdemeanours?…
Guildford’s radical past 26 May 2020 Guildford Labour and the Boileroom are planning an event this October about Guildford’s radical past.
Defending the indefensible 25 May 2020 Guildford Labour Party, along with many others in Guildford, are deeply disappointed that our MP,…
Why are black people more likely to die from Covid-19? 25 May 2020 A report produced by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) shows that black people are…